आजीवनम ज्ञानवर्धनम
We all are lifelong learners, consistently observing, learning,evolving and growing as a better individual, wiser human being with the power of knowledge by our side to guide us onto the path of success & glory!
Here I would like to quote the legendary musician, B.B. King. He said something very meaningful-
‘The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you!’
Its quite a powerful statement and so very true. What we learn is ours to utilize in the best possible way!
Hence we should never give up on learning for our growth because it is going to end for a lifetime and empower us even in adverse conditions.
Knowledge is power, a solution to almost every problem, every crisis that we are facing on a global level. It gives us a valid & justified perspective of every issue and thereby assist in finding a feasible solution. It actually liberates our thought process, gives us a wider understanding and motivates us to give back to our community, our society whenever possible.
At DAV Schools, we are committed to provide quality education for all, putting into practise the principles of ‘Equity & Equality’ in the education sector with an inclusive approach.
We ensure that learners are skilled for life through a value based, holistic approach to education wherein academics is given prime importance along with life skills, moral values & ethics, respect for the country & its rich cultural heritage and physical education(Sports/Yoga/Martial Arts etc) activities.
It's quite pertinent to teach/inculcate values like - kindness, selfless service, compassion, empathy, and humility in our learners in the daily classroom sessions. We do this through various integrated activities in regular classroom teaching/CCA/Clubs etc.
I firmly believe in imparting value-based education in order to prepare our learners for life and inculcate in them the importance of values and ethics so that they grow as responsible citizens and contribute to the society/community on a global platform.
Hence our the teaching-learning process/pedagogy is student-centered, interactive & experiential with lots of activities & projects that inculcate the spirit of collaboration and teamwork and also motivate children to serve society through community service, like - teaching children in slum areas, book/clothes donation drives etc. The entire process makes them think & analyze and review the issues with a global perspective. Such learners are prepared with skills for life and for sure are an asset to the country.
With this new revolutionary education policy, NEP 2020, being implemented in schools phase-wise, it's a wonderful opportunity for us to develop happy & successful learners through innovative pedagogies, reformed assessments, less burdensome curriculum, 21st-century skills via competency-based education and whatnot! Our students can now be global citizens with a mindset to work towards sustainable living and explore their potential to the fullest.
Our teachers cum facilitators are now putting into practice new ideas and methodologies to promote research-based, joyful teaching-learning sessions and ensure that learning is happening in the true sense.
We look forward to a meaningful collaboration with our stakeholders in order to work towards a shared mission/objective of empowering our learners with requisite life skills, academic excellence and making sure that they grow as responsible, compassionate citizens who are competent and confident and fully prepared for life. Their success is our pride & glory and together we can ensure their successful future.
Warm regards
Deepa Sharan
Gail Gaon
Dibiyapur, Auraiya